Saturday, February 21, 2009

Getting No Where

Well I finally tried to finish our "lust" conversation. To see if there's really a chance at putting any back in our relationship. Looks like the answer is no. I got the same speech I've gotten a million times; she just not that interested.

There's a million things going through my head now; I don't even know where to start. There's the hurt that there appears to have been more sexual excitement between her and Mr. Affair #2 than there is between us. And my frustration that she doesn't even want to talk about this. And then finally the despair in what do I do if this doesn't get any better. I don't think I can continue a life in a sex-less marriage. I love her, and I'm in love with her. But I can't take it if I don't get any "lust" in return. And besides, I don't think we could even make it work. I'd eventually slip back to being the "uninterested" or "unaffectionate" partner that she cheated on.

Part of me wants to elaborate on the above points. Another part of me just wants to bury my head in the sand and try to forget. I wish I could sleep. I'm tired; I could use the sleep. But I can't sleep now.

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